Scripture in 60: Proverbs 29:25

Instead of fearing what man can do to us, Proverbs 29:25 tells us how we can overcome.

The mistakes of Israel are warnings to us

The nation of Israel made quite a few sinful mistakes as it traversed the wilderness, and we must learn from those and avoid them.

Scripture in 60: John 16:23

John 16:23 tells us how we are to ask the Father for what we need.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Power from on high

Jacob Bunn and the Professor talk about tapping into power that is beyo

Scripture in 60: Ecclesiastes 11:4

Ecclesiastes 11:4 teaches us about the value of work.

A Presidents Day prayer for President Trump

A four-part prayer for President Donald Trump as we observe Presidents Day.

Scripture in 60: I Corinthians 6:18

The gravity of sexual sin is defined in I Corinthians 6:18.

Scripture in 60: Proverbs 17:17

How do we distinguish true friendship and brotherhood? Proverbs 17:17 tells us.

Scripture in 60: Galatians 5:22-23

Galatians 5:22-23 tells us what flows from a person who is filled with God's Spirit.

The power of the forgiveness of sins

Forgiveness of sins is real and powerful. We should be continually awed by its reality presented to us by our Savior.