Scripture in 60: Proverbs 9:8
The difference between a wise and unwise reaction to rebuke is given in Proverbs 9:8.
The difference between a wise and unwise reaction to rebuke is given in Proverbs 9:8.
Jacob and the Professor talk about transitioning from activity to receptivity.
Stephen's vision of heaven is given in Acts 7:55.
Our redeemer lives, as Job 19:25 tells us.
In John 8:31, Jesus gives the qualification for truly becoming his disciples.
Four attributes of our merciful God are listed in Psalm 103:8.
I Corinthians 13:1 establishes the importance of love.
Jacob and the Professor talk about the language that we speak as ambassadors for Christ.
Luke 17:6 tells us about the power of faith.
The benefit of doing good is expressed in I Peter 2:15.