Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: An enriched Christian life

The Christian lives an enriched life.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Loving God completely

Christians are called to love God with all heart, soul, mind and strength.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Workers in the kingdom of God

Glorifying God is the basis for working in His kingdom.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: The hands of Jesus

The rugged, tender and pierced hands of Jesus are a testimony to our Lord and Savior's work on earth.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Being poured out

The Christian life is one of full surrender to Christ and service to the kingdom of God.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Filled with his fullness

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Living abundantly

Jesus came so that we would have life and have it abundantly.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: How are your investments doing?

God calls us to invest in his kingdom as we seek to properly steward the life he has given us.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Tell the story of Jesus

In 2021, the world can be impacted by the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Advent 2020 – miracles

Jesus coming into the world to save us from sin is the greatest miracle of all time.