Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Proclaiming Jesus Christ Lord
Proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives involves every aspect of who we are.
Proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives involves every aspect of who we are.
Serving others as we walk humbly with God.
How do we discern the leading of the Holy Spirit?
Are we making Jesus, our spiritual standard-bearer and friend, known to those who need him?
When the Lord as our Shepherd is all we want, He gives us all we need.
With the Lord as our Shepherd, we shall not want for renewal or instruction in righteousness.
The 23rd Psalm shows us that with the Lord as our shepherd, we shall not want for complete satisfaction and guidance.
When we as believers lack joy in our lives, it is likely because we are over-analyzing what we do and failing to possess the glorious gifts God has bestowed on us.
We can't build our belief system upon what we anticipate. We must build it on following Jesus Christ.
Oftentimes in life, we need physical rest. God stands ready to offer us a rest that goes beyond even that.