Lighthouse Reflections Podcast

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Build up one another in love

The body of Christ edifies each member in love.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Reciprocal living

The church is the body of Christ.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Love: A gift and action

Love never falters.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Trust factor

Trust in God.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: An instrument of God

God uses those who are His instruments.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Ambassadors for Christ

Ambassadors for Christ represent the King.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: The wind of the Spirit

The wind of the Holy Spirit blows where it wishes.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: A couple of cans of sardines

The incarnate Son of God meets needs.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: The old rugged cross

The cross demonstrates the redeeming power of God through Jesus.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Be blessed

Jesus offers living water.