
About admin

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So far admin has created 528 blog entries.

Scripture in 60: Psalm 103:12

Psalm 103:12 tells us what God does with our sin.

Scripture in 60: I Corinthians 15:57

That's I Corinthians 15:57 for Scripture in 60. God adds his blessing to the reading and hearing of his word.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: ‘If my people who are called by my name’

Jacob and the Professor talk about, "My people who are called by my name."

Scripture in 60: John 3:36

John 3:36 explains the consequential difference between believing and not believing in Jesus as Savior.

Scripture in 60: Philippians 3:7

In Philippians 3:7, the apostle Paul compares earthly accomplishments with the gift of Christ.

Scripture in 60: Proverbs 1:8

The power of parental wisdom is told in Proverbs 1:8.

Scripture in 60: Hebrews 10:22

Hebrews 10:22 tells us how we go about approaching the throne of God.

Scripture in 60: Colossians 2:8

In Colossians 2:8, the apostle Paul explains to us about the empty philosophies of man and how we should avoid them.

Lighthouse Reflections Podcast: Look, stop and listen

Jacob and the Professor talk about the need to look, stop and listen in our Christian lives.

Scripture in 60: John 15:4

Jesus teaches us about our relationship to God the Father in John 15:4.