Scripture in 60: Job 19:25


“As for me, I know that my redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth.”


“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”


During the dialogue between Job and those around him, his so-called friends try to convince him that the calamity that has befallen him is due to his sin.

At one point, he has enough and makes a bold proclamation about God.

Our redeemer lives, and we should know that.

At some point, he will take a victorious stand on the earth, and that will be the end.


Understand who our redeemer is. We are redeemed by God almighty.

Know that our redeemer lives. He is alive and well today.

There will be a consummation for all things, and in that final day, God will be victorious over all things on the earth.