Scripture in 60: Luke 18:27


But he said, “The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.”


Jesus replied, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”


Jesus is teaching his disciples and the gathered people about the rich young ruler and his inability to achieve salvation due to the love he had for his wealth.

After the parable, his disciples asked who then could be saved, and he responded with this affirmation of God’s ability in the face of man’s weakness.

This verse confirms what we should know, that there are things that we as humans, on our own, simply cannot do.

This verse also tells us that those things that we cannot do as humans can be done by the power of God.


We are limited as human beings. We may think we’re not at times, but we are.

The only solution to overcoming the limitations that we face as human beings is the power of God. He can do what is impossible for us.